Cleaning Up My Act.....A Work In Progress
Confessions of a messy worker, a messy housewife, a messy co-worker, and a messy manufacturer/artisan.
I successfully updated my growing fragrance listing, and put all my summer fragrances to sleep for the winter :(. It always ALWAYS makes me nervous to put things away; my dear mother and I share the same malady: it is called the fear of ......Outta Sight Out of Mind.
Somehow deep inside, I fear that if I put something away I will in fact forget that it exists.
Experience does bear this out as well.
The truth is, a messy workspace can and does hinder creativity. So why have I been in a funk, you ask? Is it merely slow sales? I think not. Things have to be straight and neat before creativity can really flow.
So I have been taking time to straighten. Planning for the busy holidays is underway and inventory must be taken for supplies to be ordered, projects to be created, etc etc.
But first things first.
This is boring, but freeing!
On another note, I am undertaking a new networking mission. Cassia's Kitchen will be interviewing local and some not so local friends! I am very very excited about this and believe it may be vital for exposure to some of us!
If you have a) a business b) a ministry, c) a band, d) a book, or e) a cause, I would like to interview you! Yes, you!
Please comment on my blog and ask me to send you an already written series of questions. Be prepared to send me graphics of your logo, your banner, any product graphics and weblinks you want listed on this blog! Depending upon your responses, I may elect to have a Park 1 and a Part 2 so you would then receive double exposure!
Then together, we will choose a day to post this interview! If you are selling product, you may give me codes to any discounts or specials you want to air on this day! Then together we will give this event exposure by Tweeting, facebooking, MySpacing, Emailing or even UTubing this event!
Let's Do It!
Love and Hugs!

Hi, Ms. Kelly! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog...I'm really missing having Casey in my class this year. She was truly a joy to be with. Hope you're having a good year and we'll be praying for you and your trip to Israel.
-Sis. Ferguson
Hi Misty!
Thank you for dropping by my corner of the "blogosphere".
I miss seeing your bright and shining face too.
You are a fantastic teacher, and I just so believe you do your work as unto the Lord and He is so highly pleased with you!!!
I believe this is a special time between Casey and I. Hopefully I can handle it and not fall apart. I help my husband in his biz, I run my own business, and my ministry responsibilities are growing.....
I ran into Sis. Carrie the day I bought our books! She is such a joy too!
Hopefully I will be seeing you from time to time!!!!!!
One day I want to hear you sing! I bet you sound like an angel!
Please "stop by" again to say hello!
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