There's just something about this weather that has turned me suddenly
"Whimsical" as they say! At about 94 degrees in the shade and about that much
percentage in humidity, a gal just has to get clean, you know!
I have been working on this idea for awhile now,
and my daughter's graduation from 5th grade seemed
just the occasion to "make it happen, No. 1! "
a seamless way for today's gal who is on the go and
wants things easy....Here they are
The amazing Bath Trio Sets.
This set includes an 8 oz. soy candle
a 4.5 oz. glycerin soap
and a 4 oz. room/linen/body or even pet spray!
I have plans to do my pump lotion, but am looking for a basket that will fit all items neatly and still look great! Always on the prowl for packaging, I am still searching.
I do not even have a price for this product yet, but as soon as I find the "formula" I will post it for sale on my website. Each of my 185 different fragrances will have a matching color
for any bathroom and any taste. Pictured here is Peach Mango Salsa
but it could just as easily be my Papaya Mango, Caribbean Dreams, Papaya Basil Lime,
Also I made this lovely green basket in Lime Basil:
but it could just as easily have been any other "green" fragrance that I have in my arsenal!
This product will be sold as a trio and will be packaged and wrapped and all ready for gift giving or hostess gifts. Get one today!
I am totally excited because one of my daughter's teachers, Miss Tammy, has a mom who has a gift shop in Louisiana. Miss Tammy said her mom loved my basket, and now she is inquiring if I have a wholesale price list for her shop! So, I better move it, because I need to get one together and email it by tomorrow! I am so thankful!
Tomorrow I am back to working on the citrus project! Stay tuned for more!
You go girl!
I'm excited to see what else you come up with!
you're awesome!!!!
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT ALL!!!!!!!!
Cute little bundle (love the flip flop). The Mango Peach Salsa is a great fragrance for summer. I just love it!
Ohh, Kelly don't even get me started they are all so CUTE! Sigh, so whats the price on the wonderful gifts. I wanted to make some soaps for all the ladies my Dad works with so I was wondering what you would charge for just a soup in a bag.
Hello my sweet Cool Breeze & Sunshine!
Normally, my soaps are 4.75 bagged and tagged and "bowed". But sine you are special, I might offer you a quantity discount; something like 10% or buy 4 get one free just for the favor of having you spread the word!!!!!! get me regular customers, and a gal can get free product, stay clean and smell great ALLL summer long!
I have this great new fragrance called Tomato Leaf. Would you like to try it?
My internet was broken for a full week...that is why I just now answered! :)
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